Why am I doing this? (The short of it)
TL;DR - no, this isn’t part of a resolution. Resolutions mostly fail. This is out of necessity.
What to expect:
Every week I’ll share with you the things that spark both curiosities and appetites in original writing or curated blocks:
Foods I find - snacks, stuff at the store, cheese, chocolate
Great reads (articles & books)
Great podcasts and sound bites
Social media that doesn’t suck (there is such a thing, btw)
Things that help me sleep (so so so important)
Things that help me adult
Things that have made life better for me (especially with anxiety & depression)
Things that made me smile or watch in awe
Emojis and gifs of all manner 🙌🏼🧐🍰
There’s an open invite to discuss in comments or email replies. And if there’s something you think we should talk about, share it. Really. It’ll be fun. It might get heavy.
Why Banchan?
What you’re reading now is the first of hopefully many bits of digital evidence that I, Vanessa Chang, am finally following the path of a multifaceted human being. Someone who is always learning.
Even as an introvert (more on this another time), I need connection - to people, my people (read: community). And like any human, extrovert or otherwise, I need to connect to a purpose. I’ve never allowed myself pursue it. From childhood, I was an achievement machine. My tiny chubby fingers didn’t stop years of begrudging violin study. I stressed myself into a great college and amazing career and all the depression that came with it. There’s never been permission (internal or external) to explore anything that didn’t return dollars or accolades.
And #adulting now? I’m exhausted. I’m getting older. And I’m reclaiming my time to find joy in learning again. That’s it. No awards. No certificates. No applause. Just joy.
I’m starting with the assortment I’ve long had in my mind: Life as a Korean-American Woman, egalitarian foodie, tech curious nerd, current events and cultural junkie, systems thinker, born-again gamer, sleepist, muscle disciple, mental health normalizer, late bloomer. If I’m honest, these are the things that feed my spirit, too.
And before anyone says I’m doing the exact opposite of what I should be doing in a specialized world, let me stop you. This place is for generalists, like me, who enjoy tastes of many things.

I hope this intellectual banchan makes life as interesting and balanced for you as they do for me. That would be my truest achievement.
You’re amazing! Can’t wait to go on this journey with you
This self description is exactly the beautiful mix of things that make you such a treasured friend and really effing interesting person: a Korean-American Woman, egalitarian foodie, tech curious nerd, current events and cultural junkie, systems thinker, born-again gamer, sleepist, muscle disciple, mental health normalizer, late bloomer.
I can't wait to be the grateful beneficiary of your musings in every one of those areas.
I also am 100% here for the idea of reclaiming awe and joy in our 40s. I don't really do resolutions either, but around the turn of the year, I realized how rarely I let myself be *impressed* anymore...or how high I've built my threshold for what does impress me, probably because of the very high requirements I felt I needed to meet to get others to be impressed BY me.
But I want to be impressed, awed, joyed, and generally open, so I've been cultivating and training that same muscle.
Thanks for sharing yourself in this way, VC!